
What Would Make Dumfries and Galloway a Good Place to Grow Old? (Stranraer)

Care Campus Dumfries and Galloway > Events > What Would Make Dumfries and Galloway a Good Place to Grow Old? (Stranraer)
25/10/2018 for 1 days

10.30am - 11.30am

Venue: Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway, Burns House, Harbour Street, Stranraer

Booking notes: FREE
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Researchers at the University of Glasgow’s Dumfries Campus have been asked by the Crichton Care Campus Project to carry out a consultation with people across Dumfries and Galloway about what makes a good place to grow old.

Anyone is welcome to participate in the session. The session will last between 45 minutes and an hour.  Researchers will ask the group to discuss a number of questions about what people want from a place to grow old in.

Your views will help to inform future care and housing developments in Dumfries and Galloway.  Tea and coffee will be provided. All information will be treated as anonymous.  With your consent, an audio recording will be made of the focus group.  You will be given more detailed information about the research and asked to complete a consent form to show that you understand and agree to participate.  If you do decide to take part, you do not have to discuss anything that you don’t want to and you can leave at any point. If you would like more information about the research or have any questions, please contact the lead researcher, David Clelland – by email: or phone: 01387 345381


photo credit:  Visit Scotland